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What is AEI?

The Architectural Engineering Institute at UT is a nationally affiliated student organization devoted to providing architectural and civil engineering students an opportunity to network with companies in the industry.


In addition to helping cultivate networks, AEI supplies engineering students with support for academics, opportunities for hands-on experience, and professional development in the engineering industry.


UT AEI enables architectural engineering students to exchange ideas about their future professions. Sociability is developed throughout the semester at meetings and activities that allow members to meet and learn to interact effectively. Responsibility is developed through each project and commitment that is undertaken by the members involved. Professionalism is developed as the student member becomes aware of his or her duties to all around him or her in their social and engineering encounters.

General Meetings

Members are welcome to join us at our general meetings held every other Wednesday


The main goal of our meetings is to provide an opportunity for our members to interact with the architectural engineering industry in different fields. Moreover, it is a great chance for networking and building relations with our corporate speakers, and hopefully, secure an internship position or even a future career with one of those renowned engineering firms.

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